While I was in Houston I met a fellow acromegalic for the first time. Marisol is a member of the Acromegaly Community and she had surgery in September 2009 to remove her tumor which was followed by radiation. She contacted me through my blog last year and we have kept in touch ever since. It was so neat to meet her in person and I really enjoyed our visit. The most wonderful news is that she is pregnant again and her baby is due in December!
The only thing pending at the moment is I am scheduled for a repeat CT scan in September to observe the condition of my sphenoid sinus which has given me trouble off and on these past few years. However, I can hardly complain because it's a drop in the bucket compared to the health problems I could have incurred from this whole ordeal. Everything looks so good that I have been told by my endocrinologist that I do not have to return for an MRI or labwork for 18 months. I am still waitng to hear from my neurosurgeon, but I suspect he will agree will the findings.