I met with my neurosurgeon last Friday and received clearance to go home. My family and I returned to Texas late Sunday evening after driving two days from Southern California. We managed to dodge a potential accident caused by a blown tire that flew off the back of a truck going 80 mph right in front of us. Other than this, the trip back home was fairly uneventful. I have a lot to write about, but much of it will have to wait until I can organize my thoughts. My experience at Saint John's was wonderful and I'm so grateful for the doctors and nurses that cared for me there. Much of the infected bone was taken out and the surgeons were able to remove the entire body of mesh. I am alive to tell you that - this alone is amazing! I'm glad I went in for the surgery, but still have a long road ahead of me.
Here are some excerpts from my CaringBridge.org site which I put together for family and friends during my stay at the hospital. This will bring you up to date on my progress. At the moment I am still waiting to hear from M.D. Anderson Cancer Center for a post-op endocrine and ID appointment.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011 8:44 PM, CDT
Post Surgery Update
Thank you to everyone for their prayers and phone calls. I was hoping to post something myself last night but time got away from me. Alecia was in surgery for 4.5 hours and I was able to visit her in the recovery room at 8:00 PM PST. The results are mixed. A lot of porous bone was removed from the sinus and the mesh was completely removed. She's been dealing with stabbing pain behind the left eye for about 6 years and, thank the Lord, that is gone now. She has a slight fever and is on antibiotics. There was no cerebral spinal fluid leak this time and Alecia says she’s feeling better after this surgery than she did her previous surgery. They may release her from the hospital tomorrow. Tumor is on both carotid arteries and some was removed but much of it is too fibrous. I was able to avoid telling her she would need radiation last night but her questioning was more direct today and I had to let her know radiation was being recommended to treat the remaining tumor.
- David
Friday, July 22, 2011 9:37 AM, CDT
written by Alecia E.
Released from Hospital
I was released from the hospital yesterday afternoon and am home resting at my parents house now. The level of pain I'm experiencing is minimal and better than I expected. For the most part, I am very tired and feel like I am battling a bad head cold. Last night was probably the most uncomfortable night so far as my headache intensified after dreaming about hiking in the Grand Canyon all night. Not good to dream about hiking in the Grand Canyon after brain surgery - ha! I go back to Saint John's Health for labs tomorrow morning for a quick sodium recheck. I developed hyponatremia shortly after the surgery, but it was under control yesterday. Just staying on the safe side. Still waiting for pathology reports to come in, but the doctor was pretty certain the tumor had not become cancerous. Also, still waiting to see if anything grows out on the infected bone that was taken out.
Sunday, July 24, 2011 1:20 PM, CDT
written by Alecia E.
Bone Infection Results
I was called back to Santa Monica this past Friday for a post-op appointment with one of the surgeons. Some of the pathology reports are trickling in, and although not completely grown out yet, it appears I have three types of abnormal bacteria growing and a fungal infection in the bone under my brain. Final results are still pending, but it is confirmed that I will need to be on a PICC line for 6 weeks with I.V. antibiotics and steroids when I get back to Texas. The doctors were able to drill out a vast majority of the infection and the I.V. treatment should help with recurrence of osteitis. My neurosurgeon is sending me to a infectious disease doctor this week before I leave town. Radiation treatments cannot begin until the infection has cleared up.
Friday, July 29, 2011 6:38 PM, CDT
written by Alecia E.
Going Home
I had my visit with the ID doctor on Wednesday. I may not have to be on I.V. meds afterall because most of the infection was removed during the surgery. She placed me on oral antibiotics until the final culture results come in. This will be discussed further with my doctors in Dallas and Houston. Also, I met with my neurosurgeon today. I have residual tumor on the left/right carotid artery and cavernous sinus. At this time it is believed the tumors are benign, but they are agressive in nature. My doctor said to see him in 3 months for a follow-up MRI and we will discuss radiation treatment at that time. I have developed a cough, but overall I am feeling very good. I was given clearance to go home tomorrow. There are many appointments to be made once I get back in town. Thank you everyone for your support!